Hello Little People is fast approaching its 18 months birthday.

From what started off as just an idea ‘to do something on the beach while we’re back on the Island’ has snowballed into a full time job for both myself and Chloe. It’s our baby!

But where are we headed? 

Well we have always gone from project to project, as has been the nature of starting the company by chance and not really knowing if we were ever on the Island in a temporary or permanent capacity. But we are at a crossroads. 

Hello Little People has always been about spreading joy and we want to share the energy we have for Hello Little People far and wide, connect with more children and families and bring joy to as many people as we can. 

We are going through a period of research and development which is allowing us the space to really take time to create work that has longevity and reach. This all takes time and we want to make sure our building blocks are super strong. 

So, you may be reading this thinking, ok ok but what’s next? When can I book tickets to see you again and or when will you be releasing something? 

Well that I can’t tell you. But what I can share is that we are grafting away on stories and projects that will form the future of Hello Little People. We’re in conversations with some amazing people who believe in us as much as we believe in ourselves. 


If you’re interested and want to know more or maybe think you have the perfect collaboration or commission opportunity for this dynamic duo, drop us a line

As I said to Chloe on our first ever meeting about Hello Little People: 

“If you know exactly what you’re going to do, what’s the good in doing it?” - Picasso

Watch this space.


Kids Really Like Farts


The TRUTH behind our Easter Adventure